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Photo Essay: “United for Israel” march meets United Front Liberated Zone in counter-protest

Protestors at the University of Washington’s United Front Liberated Zone prepared to defend their encampment from a Sunday, May 12 counter-protest, organized by The Pursuit NW, a local church with a location in the University District. The counter-protestors held a rally in Red Square called “United for Israel.” Though the protest grew heated with chants, it never became violent.

Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian UFLZ protestors chant in anticipation of counter-protestors.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian A University of Washington police officer scans the area.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Pro-Palestinian protestor waves flag while standing on trash bins, flanked by UFLZ defenders on his left and counter-protestors on his right.
Pro-Palestinian protestor holds a sign.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Pro-Palestinian protestor leads chants.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Police guard the border between UFLZ and pro-Israel protestors. The pro-Israel protestors are barely audible over the chants of pro-Palestinian protestors.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian A UW police officer at the protest.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian UFLZ protestor holds a sign with the Star of David.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Pro-Palestinian protestor leads chants for the United Front Liberated Zone.
Pro-Israel protestor waves Israeli flag about 30 feet from the UFLZ while pro-Palestine protestor waves Palestinian flag.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian University of Washington police and State Troopers arrive after pro-Israel counter-protestors begin yelling and approaching the United Front Liberated Zone. UW police and State Troopers stood between the UFLZ and the counter-protestors to separate the two groups.
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Pro-Israel protestor yells at UFLZ defenders, calling them “terrorists.”
Idaya Gruenwald | The Seattle Collegian Pro-Israel protester smiles and records pro-Palestinian protesters guarding the United Front Liberated Zone.

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