We are hiring staff writers!
FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the position at the Seattle Collegian
Q: What kind of topics does the Collegian cover, and what can I write about?
A: At the Seattle Collegian©, we cover just about everything: crime, politics, policy, current events, breaking news, arts & culture, personality profiles & features, editorial opinion pieces, and in-depth investigative reporting. All of our staff writers are encouraged and expected to cover a varied combination of these departments as needed, as well as having the opportunity to cover the topics they are personally passionate about. We try to mix it up so everyone gets a chance to cover a little bit of everything, including your own pitches.
Q: What kind of topics does the Collegian need to cover most right now?
A: Just like the news itself, our journalism needs are unpredictable and ever-changing. It is impossible to know what we need most until events transpire. When something happens that requires attention or deserves to be covered, it is our job to be there to report on it, whatever it may be. Every week, the Editorial Board and staff meet to discuss current events and review what needs to be covered at that time as well as things our staff writers are interested in, and we do our best to be both flexible and targeted as the news happens.
Q: What type of content can I write (opinion/news/photo essay/poem)?
A: The Seattle Collegian© publishes a dynamic variety of content as described above. In addition to written articles, we also regularly publish photo essays and multimedia content. We will also soon be launching a department called “Imaginarium”, which will feature poetry, cartoons, visual art, and short stories to expand our offerings! Stay tuned!
Q: How long should each type of article be?
A: It depends on the content and type of article. News stories tend to be shorter; whereas features, investigative, and opinion/editorial pieces are often longer and more in-depth. If you are unsure about what length your article should be, don’t worry, we’ll help you!
Q: How many articles can I submit per week? If I become a writer, is it mandatory to submit an article every week or is it mostly based on my availability?
A: That’s mostly up to you! At the Seattle Collegian©, we believe that your academic success should come first; but if you have time to write several pieces a week, we’re all for it! Since writing for the Collegian is “at-will”, there are no strict requirements for staff writers to meet a quota. Most of our writers strive to meet a goal of 1-2 articles a week, but this varies depending on other responsibilities. We encourage you to gauge your own availability and let us know what you can do, we will work with you at whatever level of commitment you are comfortable with.
Q: What is the publishing process in a nutshell? I want to know what to expect.
A: All pieces are either “pitched” to the Editor-in-chief and Managing Editor or are assigned based on coverage needs. This mostly happens at our staff meetings, which take place weekly on Zoom during social distancing. Under “normal” circumstances, we meet in the newsroom on campus. Meeting times vary per quarter based on staff availability. For every article you receive approval to write, you will be assigned an Editor, to help guide your process, offer support and resources, provide feedback and suggestions, and ensure the piece meets our editing standards. Most pieces go through 1-2 rounds of editing before they are sent to the copy editor for final editing, fact checking, and publishing. All published pieces require an image to go with the text, which will also be assigned based on content and context, either to the writer or to one of our staff photographers.
Q: How can I get help if I’m stuck or can’t finish my article for whatever reason?
A: Ensuring you have the support you need is one of the biggest reasons having an editor assigned to you is such an important part of the process. We’re here to help! We also have weekly opportunities to participate in writing workshops, which is a great way to connect with your editor in real-time to help get you “unstuck”.
Q: Do I get paid? If so, how is my work being assessed?
A: YES! For every article you complete that we publish, you will get paid! Final pricing of articles and all other media and content is on a case-by-case basis, and will take into consideration several factors, including but not limited to: word count (length), content and quality (caliber), research time and resources, depth and brevity, thoroughness and scope, interviews, preparation/follow-up, risk, timeliness, etc. The weight of these factors is at the discretion of the Editor-in-chief (E-I-C) and the Faculty Advisor (F.A.) The E-I-C and F.A. will always strive to price content fairly and without favoritism or discrimination. The Seattle Collegian© reserves the right to publish or reject media upon its own prudence.
Q: What should I do if I want to write for the Collegian?
A: That’s awesome! You can contact our faculty advisor, Jordan Charlton, at Jordan.Charlton@seattlecolleges.edu for further details and an invite to our staff meetings, where you can meet the whole gang and learn more about us! Johhny will happily answer any questions you may have and make sure you feel welcome.
Q: Anything else important that I should know about being a writer for the Collegian?
A: It’s a great way to make your voice heard, hone your writing skills, be an active part of student government, make some extra money, and play a crucial role in the lives of our readers. Most importantly, it’s FUN! Come join us!
For more information, feel free to send us an email to info@seattlecollegian.com, or leave us a message in our contact form.