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Photo Essay: Patriot Prayer Rally at UW

On February 10th, the College Republicans of the University of Washington hosted a rally at Red Square featuring Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson. One year ago, the College Republicans hosted alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and a demonstrator was shot . Though we were concerned with our own safety, my photographer Izzy Bennett and I attended this year’s rally to document the scene. It became very intense and at times violent when the Seattle Police Department was involved. The following pictures tell the story of what we saw that day.

Two Freedom Rally demonstrators pose with American flags in their hands and bandanas covering their faces. One wears a black “Make America Great Again” cap.

A counter-protester burns pine at the rally. In the background a man holds a Communist flag. The George Washington statue is behind him.

A counter-protester holds a sign that reads "UW hosted a white power group instead of gifted black teens 2/10/18".A counter-protester holds a sign. The University of Washington held the Patriot Prayer Rally instead of Young, Gifted & Black, a University of Washington outreach event for black high school students.

The political divide. Police stand in a line between two barricades that separate the Patriot Prayer Rally from the counter-protesters. With his back to the protesters, George Washington faces the blue sky.

Within a circular barricade formed by SPD, officers hold a counter-protester to the ground.

The two bird salute. Two middle fingers frame Jamal X, wearing a red hoodie and black coat, as he faces SPD.

A warm sentiment. A counter-protester holds a scrap of a burning American flag as an offering to the blue sky.

Between the barricades, five SPD officers pose with wooden batons. A shredded American flag lays at their feet.

Jamal X sits on the bricks after being maced by SPD. On his left photographers take his picture and on his right, a Seattle Central College student, Andrew Black comforts him.

Jamal X, a counter-protester holds up two birds while an officer pins him to the ground. Officers formed a barrier around Jamal X.

Jamal X arrested. He shouts “I’ve been arrested for being black in America.” Police walk him to a car and take him away from the protests.