The Seattle Collegian is having an Open House on Friday, October 8th at 3 pm. Book your calendar and come join us. WE ARE HIRING STAFF WRITERS!
What to expect in the Open House?
- You’ll get to meet the editorial board members and learn about our roles
- You’ll get to learn about the publishing process, including article types and the scope of content we produce
- You’ll learn about expectations regarding new staff writers
- You’ll have an opportunity to introduce yourself, the topics you’re interested in, causes you care about, and pitch your ideas about what you want to write
How to attend?
- Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 980 9539 8973 Passcode: 822311 - Check out our FAQ page to learn about how we roll and come to the meeting with any questions you may have
Can’t make it to the Open House?
- You can join our staff writers’ weekly meetings instead, which happen every Tuesday from 4 – 5 pm.
- To request the Zoom weekly meeting link, email Astro, the Editor-in-chief, at
We’re looking forward to meeting you at the Open House event on Friday, October 8th at 3 pm. Share this with your friends and bring them with you!
Download the Open House flyer below.

Astro (they/them) is the Editor-in-Chief of the Seattle Collegian, the President of Seattle Central's Queer Cooperative club, a fully-professed Guard with the Sisters of the Mother House of Washington, a social worker and behavioral scientist, founder of Transgender Day of Remembrance at Seattle Central (TDoR), Board Member-At-Large with Diversity Alliance of Puget Sound (DAPS), and a self-identified Queer-Alien-Person-Of-Color. They have won awards for their journalism and community service work as well as for innovation in leadership and academic excellence, and are an active and outspoken advocate and activist for both the LGBTQ+ and recovery communities. They speak regularly at events relevant to these causes, and work closely with their fellows to support these communities. Social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion are their banners, and their belief in the gifts, strengths, and resilience of all minoritized communities is the driving motivation behind their work and their mission: using the powers of journalism, self-expression, creativity, conversation and connection to uplift and foster acceptance for all peoples.
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