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Posts tagged as “community”

Celebrating Earth: Seattle Colleges and Community Offer a Full Month of Environmental Action

Earth Day, an annual reminder of our collective responsibility towards environmental protection and sustainability, is taking on a new dimension this year in Seattle. Our college and the wider community are not just reminding but…

Food as medicine: The new prescription in Seattle 

As more research emerges, humans are discovering the possibilities of adapting nutrition interventions as medical therapies. According to recent groundbreaking investigations, it’s now evident that individual responses to identical meals are highly variable and that universal dietary guidelines, such as those supported under women, infants, and children (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP), may be of limited use. To keep abreast with new discoveries, several states are innovating on how clinical care is delivered, by combining drugs with medically tailored meals, food prescriptions, and/or food vouchers to meet their patients' needs.