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Posts tagged as “earth day”

Celebrating Earth: Seattle Colleges and Community Offer a Full Month of Environmental Action

Earth Day, an annual reminder of our collective responsibility towards environmental protection and sustainability, is taking on a new dimension this year in Seattle. Our college and the wider community are not just reminding but…

“Earth Deserves More Than a Day” at the Columbia City Theater

In celebration of Earth Day, Rainier Avenue Radio will be hosting a week-long event at the historic Columbia City Theater from Apr. 17 to Apr. 21. Joined with Front and Centered and the Social Justice Film Institute, the event, “Earth Deserves More Than a Day,” will include radio interviews, “kitchen table” conversations, panel discussions, film screenings, and a multimedia exhibit.

Earth Day: Choosing action

Humans are destroying this planet. I don’t believe this is new information to the majority of us. We have all seen the increasing number of natural disasters, the waste being dumped on the land and in the sea, and even a change in local temperature. Any day you flip onto a news channel, you are likely to see at least one segment or statistic pointing towards climate change. And we are to blame. Our ceaseless desire for material possessions and financial gain is degrading our planet at an alarming rate. 

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