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The last stand: June 7th and 8th at 11th and Pine

Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Hands up don’t shoot. A protestor faces a line of riot cops at 11th and pine
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A line of police officers in the intersection at 11th and Pine
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Unconfirmed gas fills the air at 11th and Pine.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Umbrellas have become a staple at the confrontations between police and the crowd.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Protestors hide behind dumpsters as police ready “less-than-lethal” weapons.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Leaf blowers were seen in the crowd reportedly to blow tear gas away.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Police use high powered lights to spot individuals in the crowd.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Protestors pass each other hearing protection in case of ‘flash bangs’ or LRAD use.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A protestor walks with their hands in the air near the police line.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A protestor speaks into a PA system.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Irritants continue to effect he crowd but with little result.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Police move forward through a haze of reported tear gas
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A ‘flashbang’ is thrown at the crowd from the police line.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Possibly hundreds of police move forward towards the protestor crowd.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Police continue to hold their line.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A loan individual stands defiant against the police line regardless of the presence of irritants.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian The crowd remains thick, many with their hands in the air.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Protestors raise their hands in the air while facing the police line.
Jordan Somers Volunteer medics use eye flushes to treat chemical irritants.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian The police line continues to advance.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian Dumpsters were moved into the street to both stop the advancing police and to protect from less-than-lethal police weapons.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A person checks their phone next to a dumpster fire at 10th and Pike.
Jordan Somers | The Seattle Collegian A large fire is enjoyed by onlookers at 10th and Pike.


Jordan Somers

Jordan Somers is currently in his second year of Visual Media at Seattle Central College. He specializes in photojournalism and documentary work, with a particular emphasis on social movements happening throughout the city. His 2020 documentary, Hope is Not Cancelled, was an official selection at the Local Sightings Film Festival, and won an award for best editing at the Oregon Documentary Film Festival. Jordan is an avid traveler when granted the opportunity, and has a keen interest in psychology and existential philosophy.

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